
(403) 728-3467

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, you find it attached to the rest of the world.

- John Muir, Conservationist

There's no better way to connect both kids and adults with nature than by getting outside. We offer a guided nature walk and formal, seated program, all within the great outdoors. Programs are age appropriate. Children's nature walks are sensory based. Perfect for school groups, summer camps, guiding & scouting troops, seniors' tours, and more!

Programs are offered by donation for the months of April through September.

Young girl looking over wooden barrier at wildlife below

Visit for the full program or as a follow-up to an in-class presentation. Programs can last from 1.5 - 3.5 hours, depending on age and requests. The general synopsis includes:

  • an opportunity for a snack, bathroom break, and some much-needed movement in our Wildlife Homes Playground
  • sensory trail walk, taking in the sights, sounds, smells, and even tangible parts of nature
  • sit-down portion in our Learning Lodge, ranging from 30-60 minutes depending on program
  • experience the viewing tower overlooking the wetland
  • lunch/snacks either on trail or in the main picnic area

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