
(403) 728-3467

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, you find it attached to the rest of the world.

- John Muir, Conservationist

Reducing hazards in your yard helps in two ways. It can reduce or eliminate wildlife getting injured and therefore save lives. It can also stop negative interactions between you and the wild animals in your neighbourhood, easing your stress. Here are a few ideas:

  • Know and understand the species in your area to dispel misinformation.
  • Talk to your neighbours before you encourage wildlife to your yard. Phobias, allergies, or other issues might end up causing neighbourhood disputes.
  • Protect birds from hitting windows. Birds fly into windows when they see the reflection of sky or trees or they collide with glass railings as they are hard to see. Learn more at Prevent collisions by installing Feather Friendly.
  • Keep cats indoors and report feral cats. Free roaming cats are the number one reason for the crash of many songbird populations. Cats are also safer when not free-running. Learn more at
  • Cover all openings, such as dryer vents and chimneys, with screen.
  • Put temporary plugs in all holes in trailers and holiday vehicles. Every year people are horrified to find they have gone on a trip only to find a nest of tiny orphaned birds in a hole in their trailer. 
  • Use eco-friendly options in your yard instead of chemicals. These things move up the food chain. Chemicals used to kill insects will severely impact birds and bats eating those insects.
  • Remove dangers such as sticky fly traps, uncovered water barrels, or fine garden netting to avoid injuring or killing such things as hummingbirds and baby squirrels.
  • Feeding pets indoors will remove attractants for raccoon, skunks, mice, coyote, and other wildlife that should not be living in our yards.
  • Bird feeders should not be placed low to the ground and the area around them should be kept clean so you don't attract skunks, porcupines, or deer.
  • Keep garbage and compost in locked or covered containers so as to not attract fox, coyote, raccoon, skunk, and in some areas, bear.
  • Properly enclosed sheds, stairs, and walkways will stop burrowing animals such as skunks, fox, badger, and feral cats from taking up residence.
  • Clutter in your yard such as woodpiles and old vehicles will encourage animals, such as skunks, to make their home.
  • Confine your larger dogs during the months of May and June if you live in the country. Domestic dogs commonly bring newborn fawns home to nurture. Fawns are typically born during that time are too small to run away.